Spring Times in the City

Spring is FINALLY here!  I thought we were just going to skip this season altogether but the recent appearance of blossoms and sunshine are clear evidence that it’s finally arrived.  I love the change in seasons, especially from winter to spring because I am a sun worshipper. I can practically taste summer…..


Why I love spring


-the smell of fresh cut grass 

-I can finally ride my sweet cruiser bike to work

-Beacon Hill petting zoo opens – I love photographing the peacocks 

-cherry blossoms littering my street!

-the super green greens and blossoming flowers make for photographic inspiration 

-everyone comes out of hibernation – patio days are near! 

-the people watching gets significantly better – people in Victoria think sunshine=summer and barely-there clothes so it’s amusing to see the ridiculous outfits people wear when it’s still freezing out

-lots of stat long weekends (not that I’m not passionate about my job, ahem.) 



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