The Sommers/Hollman Family – Family Portraits, Victoria, BC

I first photographed Sheena’s beautiful baby bump over a year ago, then had the opportunity to capture a few candids of her cute son Max when he was just a newborn. This past weekend we got together again to do some family portraits. It’s always amazing to me how quickly kids grow. What was just that little (ok, maybe big) bump is now running around on his own and growing like crazy!  

Unfortunately the weather was a lot colder than expected so our session lasted all of about 10 minutes.  Instead we returned to the car away from the public eye where I was free to dance, make ridiculous faces and just generally act like a freak of nature all in the name of making Max laugh and wonder what planet I was beamed down from.  Note: this is what Sheena calls “Fun Aunty Jade”.   I wish I had more pictures to share but sometimes things don’t always work out in our favor. Guess that means we will have to give it a go come warmer weather….. Enjoy!

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