A Photo A Day – Day #20
During this morning’s banana call, Troy gets some disconcerting news about a missing apple.
During this morning’s banana call, Troy gets some disconcerting news about a missing apple.
As you may or may not know, I had the opportunity to shoot my first wedding at the end of December for a friend/co-worker. No more than 24 hours after I committed to being the photographer I pretty much had a meltdown. I was convinced that I was going to ruin her whole wedding. I […]
My stepson was the Heath Ledger version of the Jocker for Halloween. He hates wearing masks for trick or treating because he says he’s too shy. It doesn’t make any sense to me because a mask “masks” your face – go figure. Anyways, I ended up painting his face for him and I think it […]
Well………..SHE’S HERE!!! Little Zaiya Skye has finally arrived. Whew! She came into the world with somewhat of a dramatic entrance at 11:14am December 31st, weighing 8lb 15 oz (ouch) and 20 inches long. I was shocked I had an almost 9 pounder!! I guess I fed her well! Look at how cute she is, […]
We met up in downtown Victoria to take some pictures for her theatre portfolio. When I say it was freezing I’m not even kidding. It may have been above 0 but the wind was absolutely howling and I thought my limbs may actually fall off. Ok maybe I’m being a bit of a drama queen […]
This year has been busy. I don’t mean just yawning-in-the-morning-need-a-latte-right-now kinda busy. I mean health problem-anxietyattack-crying-breakdown busy. I’m not looking for sympathy and I’m not whining. In fact I feel extremely grateful that my business has grown so much in this past year but with still working another full time job it’s come to the […]