A Photo A Day – Day #140
I had an amazing weekend away at Point No Point last weekend. It could be the most relaxing place I have ever been to. A cozy little cabin with your own private hot tub on the deck overlooking the ocean = PARADISE!
I had an amazing weekend away at Point No Point last weekend. It could be the most relaxing place I have ever been to. A cozy little cabin with your own private hot tub on the deck overlooking the ocean = PARADISE!
I am literally OBSESSED with my new macro lens. Love it, love it, love it!
I’ve taken a bit of a hiatus from blogging simply because I have been busy, busy, busy with other things besides photography. Now that my second photography class starts (already!) tomorrow night I figure I better get my act together and post pictures from my last class assignment. The last assignment was outdoors at […]
If you read my New Years blog you may remember that one of my goals this year is to train for the Times Colonist 10k that takes place in Victoria on May 1st. Last year I ran it and my time was around 58 minutes. This year I want to shave at least five minutes […]
I like to call this photo “I Kill All My Plants”.
A fellow photographer and I have decided to do a weekly photo challenge for our picture of the day. This week’s theme was “water” and here is my photo for it. I originally thought of going down to the Legislature buildings and photographing the fountain in front but I ran out of time this weekend. […]