A Photo A Day – Day #151
My beautiful sister in law….isn’t she gorgeous??!!
My beautiful sister in law….isn’t she gorgeous??!!
If there’s one thing I know about two year olds it’s that they have the attention span of a squirrel. FYI – a squirrel has an attention span on normal things of about one second and about four minutes on acorns and nuts. Don’t ask. Anyways, I came equipped to the photo shoot with all […]
Because I work for an awesome company, we got to go bowling last night at Langford Lanes. It was so much fun! I had my fair share of gutter balls but I also had a couple of strikes. No big deal. Real life bowling is sure a lot different than Wii bowling – that ball […]
What do you get when you combine a gorgeous (and SO SUPER NICE) couple, their ridiculously adorable daughter and a super fun wedding party? An AMAZING WEDDING DAY. You guyssssss…..this day was FUN. I truly think everyone had a blast and I know for sure I did. Derek & Adriane were surrounded by their support […]
So I have a bit of very exciting news I’m ready to share with the internet. On Sunday April 28th I GOT MARRIED! Wooot woot! After 8 years of dating I finally took the plunge and married my best friend. We got engaged last May and planned to get married in the summer of 2014. […]
2012 was amazing. I gained lots of experience, met amazing new clients and even got to travel to Mexico to shoot my first destination wedding! I know it’s almost March but I love a good “best of” blog. These are some of my favorite wedding shots from last year – happy hump day!
Firstly I just want to say don’t judge me for blogging about weddings in July 2012. Yes I realize it’s January 2013 but at least I haven’t hit the year mark yet! I’m doing the best I can. If I could just get a few more hours in the day that would be great…. Tardiness […]