A Photo a Day – Day #176
One of my shots from a family portrait session at Saxe Point.
One of my shots from a family portrait session at Saxe Point.
Can you guess what it is?
I met Claire and Dale about 4 years ago at Rodney’s Oyster House in Vancouver. My husband and I were there for a work function – he actually works for the same company as Dale but none of us had ever met before. We all hit it off and had such a good time that […]
Soooo…..I have some huge personal news – I got engaged!!!! It was so unexpected which made it that much better – I LOVE surprises, especially those that involve diamonds! Here is my ring. I am absolutely in love with it (and my fiance of course). One of the first things people are saying is, “well, […]
My last photography assignment was “wet”. It could be anything to do with wet – implied, literal, whatever. I had so many different visions but needed a model and that just wasn’t happening. I was too busy last weekend to try to find somebody available in the very short time periods that I had. If […]
I have been dying to do some night photography but our weather has been terrible! Somehow I lucked out tonight and it stopped raining for long enough for me to venture outside. I’m sure I looked like a crazy lady standing in the middle of the street and taking pictures of abandoned furniture/stalking my neighbors. […]