A Photo A Day – Day #216
Painting with chandelier light
Painting with chandelier light
Wine barrels at Church & State Winery.
Screw favorite things Friday! It’s all about “what inspires me Wednesday”. I’ve been majorly slacking on the blogging this year and it’s time to get back on it! Business has been great which means I have had no time to actually blog about well, anything really. I have about 15 photo shoots that I”ve yet […]
I’ve been dying to share these Victoria family photos of the Barr family! This session took place on top of Mount Doug so we had some of the nicest views of the city behind us. Of course the view had nothing on the sweet faces of these kiddos ! Look at these munchkins! There’s…
My photography assignment this week was painting with light. We had two pictures to submit – one using a light source to paint either an abstract picture, words, or anything else into the camera. Different colours of light could be used as well as different materials over the lights to give texture. I ended up […]