A Photo A Day – Day #260
Guess what? Another birthday!! A certain boy I know very well turns 7 this week but we threw a party for him last Sunday. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about parties…but….I did have to dig deep for this one. First of all I had a bad cold and was not feeling hot. Secondly, it […]
I’m dying to get a macro lens. Ever since I tried freelensing I have been obsessed with it because it allows me to essentially take a macro picture with my 50mm. Geek talk! Regardless, this picture is an abstract shot of the pattern on these really hot black shoes that have a snakeskin pattern on […]
2013 you have been good to me. I got married to someone pretty awesome, saw family I rarely get to see more often than other years, killed it in Vegas for my 30th birthday, ATTENDED a good friend’s wedding and was reunited with old friends, took pictures of both new and old clients and their […]
I love it when I get to take photos of people that I know and especially those that I haven’t seen in a long time. I grew up with this family in Bella Coola. They used to live right around the corner from me and Krista and I were really good friends. She had horses […]
I have been chosen as a finalist to win a trip for two up to Photographer at Painters this year! I have been wanting to go for the last couple years but haven’t been able to make it work. I need your help! All you have to do is go to http://on.fb.me/GVkgWN and “like” my picture!. . […]