The Begg Family

I’ve known Serena for quite a few years. She worked at my office when I started in the Insurance Industry and I’ve always thought she was extremely easy to talk to.  It may sound weird but I always feel some kind of bond with other tall women.  It’s like we’re part of this secret society that no one knows about – the one where you can’t find jeans that fit you properly and when dating men your options are immediately cut in half (thank god we are both married and the painful dating is over with for good).   I don’t see Serena that much anymore because we work at different offices but I was super excited to meet her family.  I met her oldest , Caden, when he was quite young but had never met the twins. We spent a couple hour walking around Fort Rodd Hill and every once in a while we would try to make the twins sit still for a photo which is no small feat! Thankfully I always prefer more of a “lifestyle” approach to family photography because I find it so much more real than Sears -like posed photos.

I had such a great time with this rambunctious family and I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do!

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