Love this stuff // personal

One of my New Years resolutions was to blog about more personal things this year. Admittedly I’ve been doing a TERRIBLE job. I think I’ve maybe posted one or two personal blogs the whole year (wrist slap!).  It’s not my fault that there just aren’t enough hours in the day.  Working two jobs plus maintaining a relationship with my husband and family as well as having time for friends and myself is near impossible.  All excuses aside, here is me trying to get on this bandwagon once again.

I love hearing about what other people are into these days – music, books, clothes, you name it!  And here begins my own version of “love this stuff”. I’m going to try to do this every couple of weeks but don’t take my word for it 🙂

Here are some things I’m really digging right now:

1. Brain on Fire. This book is so crazy. My husband bought it for me for my birthday (in August) and as wedding season is over I’ve finally had time to start reading it. It gives me a bit of anxiety reading it but it’s also super interesting. It’s basically about a girl who loses it and has no idea what is going on. I don’t want to give too much away so you should just read it. You can get it from amazon here.

2. 100% Pure Organic Skin Care.  A couple of years ago I ate a raw food diet for two weeks and my body became so detoxed that I had a massive skin reaction to most kinds of makeup. I turned to The Green Kiss here in Victoria to hook me up with some makeup that is actually good for your skin and contains to harmful chemicals. It was amazing how much better my skin felt and I didn’t realize what I was doing to my body before. Now I wear natural makeup for the most part (save the mascara) and it’s awesome and totally guilt fee. Next I got addicted to a natural skin care line they sell called 100% Pure and I can’t live without it. My favorite is the Jasmine Green Tea line of face wash, tonique and moisturizer. SO GOOD. It makes your skin super soft and moisturized. You can buy it here. 

3. Boots. I LOVE fall. Mostly because I can wear boots and tights again. I bought these boots last year and I’m still living in them. They are a bit roughed up now but I like the “worn in” look. I’m telling you, these ones go with everything and they are sooo comfy. Plus they are real leather and only $75 on sale here – score!

4. Jessie Ware. I’ve just recently heard Jessie Ware’s music and I’ve fallen in love. Major girl crush. Her new Tough Love album is perfect to listen to while editing. I find her voice so soothing and her melodies are beautiful.  You can buy here new album here. 

5. Oh She Glows. I used to read this blog once in a while but now I check it almost every other day. Started by Angela Liddon, this blog is a vegetarian and vegan’s dream. I bought her best selling book Oh She Glows (which you can get here) and I have made probably 50% of the recipes. I kid you not, I have been extremely impressed by pretty much every single one of them. The recipes are not only delicious but they are super easy and don’t use crazy exotic ingredients that you can’t find or that are expensive to buy.  Even my family has been fooled by the fake “mac and cheese” – my stepson thought he was eating real cheese and I’m never telling him that it’s actually butternut squash mixed with a couple other healthy ingredients! I just love that this blog gives you great ideas for a healthier take on comfort foods, especially during the winter months when I crave all things comfort but do not desire to be packing on the pounds.

Thanks for reading and I would love to hear what you are into right now – please comment below!

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