2015 Resolutions // Personal

I feel like this resolutions blog post is an annual tradition. Some years I have no resolutions, others I have a list that is almost impossible to conquer.  I guess it depends on how much caffeine I’ve had the day I write this post. My husband bought me a magnet for Christmas this year that says “I’ve had so much caffeine that I actually think I can accomplish something with my life”. Touche.

Today my caffeine levels are moderate, meaning my resolutions are going to stay under control this year.  I went a little nuts last year and although I did accomplish a good number of them,  looking back I might have been overshooting a bit.  I don’t want to focus on all the things I didn’t accomplish but the things I DID and still can so here’s on to bigger and better things.


-be photographed by a photographer I admire in every new city I travel to

– use my photography for good. I recently got involved with a great charity started by Heather from Jagger Photography called the Create Love Project.  If you know a family that has been going through a tough time please nominate them to get chosen to have their photos taken. This is such a great cause and I”m so excited to be a part of it!  I’m going to be looking for other ways to use my photography for good as well so if you know of any charities or have any ideas please let me know!

-clean my oven. Don’t judge but it hasn’t been cleaned in um…ahem…let’s just say forever. That way you are going to think I”m exaggerating but I’m not by much. My mom is going to read this and be so ashamed.


– my number one goal this year is to get back to shooting for ME and really defining my brand. I’m close but I’m not there yet.  Somewhere  I will be doing an overhaul of the images on my website and even on the type of sessions I offer. More on that later….

-attend an out of city workshop. Last year one of my goals was to attend a photography workshop and I did – 2 even!  While I learned a lot it just made me want to do this more often. I was reallllly hoping to attend Jennifer Moher‘s Refresh workshop except I am going travelling around the time it takes place and the dates just aren’t going to work for me so I’m either going to plan on going in 2016 or find another photographer who I obsessively stalk (I actually mean admire) hosting a workshop I am able to attend.

-get published on Green Wedding Shoes – again I was supposed to achieve this last year but none of the weddings I shot were a good enough fit, Getting published takes a bit of luck – there are so many dang gorgeous weddings out there with crazy funky details that it’s so hard to get published. I don’t make this a huge priority but I would still shriek like a little girl if I got on here – it’s one of my favorite blogs and I think it could help me attract the right type of client for me.

I can feel it in my bones –  2015 is going to be the best year EVER. There are good things coming. . I hope you are all dreaming big like I am.  If your dreams don’t scare you at least a little then you aren’t dreaming big enough.

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