Fresh Start – 2011
With the New Year upon us, it’s time to define my goals for the coming year. I hate the word “resolution” because it just seems so….well…..hardcore. I’m hoping that if I use a different term to describe my intentions for the coming year that they will actually manifest themselves. Seven billion people in the world have resolved to lose weight, pay off debt and eat healthier. Most everyone will be making the same resolutions at this time next year, telling themselves that THIS year is going to be the year. I know I usually do! That’s why this year I have decided to make a list of more specific goals for 2011 and get real. I’m determined to do everything on this list, even if it may seem insignificant. It’s going to be the best year ever, I can feel it already.
Here is my 2011 To-Do List:
-eat broccoli every week
-spend more time outside
-bake my first pie
-quit drinking for 3 months
-make my own wine
-train for the TC 10k and cut my time down by at least 5 minutes
-no more reading smutty celebrity magazines when I am bored! Who really cares about these people anyways?! They only make me feel bad about myself.
-buy more organic food
-sign up for another photography class
Happy New Year everybody!! And good luck with those RESOLUTIONS!