Island View Beach Engagement Session // Josh + Clara

Those first few weeks with a new baby is really something. It’s no joke. It is probably the biggest life adjustment you will ever make within a very short period of time. It’s like your whole world is shaken up from the inside out…really there are no words. But in that same breath, those first […]
There’s something special about finding little bits of love in the world….even if it’s only a carving in the paint of a metal bar.
Wouldn’t the world be a better place if it was socially acceptable to eat cake with our hands? Little Alayna (who you may remember from her mini session here) recently turned 1 and I got to photograph her getting down and dirty in her birthday cake. She had never had sugar before her 1st birthday […]
I was in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago and met my friend’s Nephew, Torakichi. He is the CUTEST little man. He is such a tiny little bean and super smiley. He was a real pleasure to photograph because he always looks so darn cute!
It’s that time again! Soooo as for what is inspiring me this week (do flannel pj’s count as inspiration because I’m seriously loving them this week, ahem…month) I would have to say the lovely and talented Jasmin Star. I have been a fan since I started reading her completely hilarious and down to earth blog . […]
This photo didn’t turn out quite like I had hoped but sometimes there is a point where you have to choose sanity over perfection. ESPECIALLY when it comes to this crazy photo a day committment.