Victoria Family Photos // Villebrun Family

I’ve been dying to share the sweetest Victoria family photos with you!   I met Tenille at a wedding I photographed a few years ago when she was pregnant with Jax. We connected again when we tagged teamed the bride’s newborn session – Tenille is a uber talented videographer!   Once I saw her work (her family videos legit make you cry) I knew we had to work together personally.  She made the most beautiful and meaningful family video for us which I will cherish forever and I did some family photos for her.   BEST TRADE EVER!  This family is picture perfect and every one of them is just as sweet as they look in the photos.   We have a running joke ever since that she is my first “fan girl”. All jokes aside I really appreciate the support from another local girl. WOMEN SUPPORTING WOMEN. Yessss!

Tenille, her husband Justin and their sweet boy Jax live in Saanich so when she suggested the Sidney Pier as a photo location I jumped at the chance. I love going somewhere new for photos and it definitely didn’t disappoint.  My only complaint was the amount of bird poo that needed to be edited out of the photos hahahah. This is the ONLY downside of taking photos so close to the ocean I guess.  When these were taken little Jax wasn’t walking but now I can imagine he is on the move and keeping his parents on their toes.

It was reallll hard to narrow down this blog post to my favorite Victoria family photos to what you see here because I loved them all!  This seems to be my problem every time I blog because I get so attached to everyone I work with. Hope you enjoy!

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