The New Years Resolution of 2012

I seriously can’t believe that a whole year has almost gone by again! Whattttt??!!  I feel like it was literally a few months ago that I was writing my 2011 New Year’s Resolution list.  I regretfully looked at my resolution list and I accomplished four out of the nine resolutions. If this were a test I would have failed.  I may have slacked on the resolutions but I don’t feel like the year was a failure AT ALL.  I learned so much this year and gained tones of experience. I photographed four weddings, lots of portrait sessions and many events.  It’s amazing how much you can grow and learn in the span of a year. It’s empowering to look back on my photography and have the knowledge to know how I could have made it better.

So now it’s time to make some resolutions for the coming year.  I can’t believe I am going to do this but I am committing to the 365 Photo Project.  That’s right – a photo a day for a whole year. I have barely even started and I already know how challenging this is going to be.  I’m fully aware that there will be times I want to quit; times I will be cursing myself for making this commitment and times when I feel like there is nothing left to photograph. But I also know that this is going to help me learn so much not only about photography but maybe about my own life.  It’s going to force me to find beauty in mundane things.  At the end of the year I plan to make a book with all of my pictures. I mean, what a wicked keepsake that lets you have the ability look back on a full year of your life through your pictures.  Amazing!

I may not post my picture every day but I am going to try to post at least every other day.  I am not going to go more than a week without posting photos and I also want to try as many new photo techniques as I can.  Other than that there are no other rules and I’ve decided not to set themes because I feel like that is too restrictive and can get frustrating.   Some of the pictures may be taken with my iphone as I can’t guarantee that I will always have my digital camera on hand when need be so I apologize if all the pictures aren’t excellent quality.   

I look forward to sharing my 365 photo experience with you. Wish me luck.  Game on!!

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