A Photo A Day – Day #278
Well well well. I’m done my 7 day cleanse and it feels A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Not only do I feel good but the best part is that I got to have a cup of coffee this morning – WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO! I’m not a hardcore coffee addict but I do love a nice stiff cup of Joe early in […]
These two are getting married at the gorgeous Merridale Cidery in just a few short weeks and I CAN’T. WAIT. Also I love it when people bring their pets to engagement sessions! The dogs were hilarious – they were like pure balls of energy running around on that beach non stop. If only I […]
This eagle started flying around the wedding ceremony site about 5 minutes before it started – it must be a good omen!
I’ve known Amanda for some time through my sister in law. She is just the sweetest person. When I found out she was pregnant I was so happy for her! I can just tell she’s going to be the best mom ever. Amanda was pregnant with her daughter in our first couples session together but…
Happy Father’s Day everybody!
Although you can’t tell from this picture, Victoria actually woke up to snow today! It may have only lasted for a couple of hours but it’s still DAMN COLD out there! I braved the cold to go to Beacon Hill Park and take my picture because the sun is shining and it’s absolutely beautiful out […]