A Photo A Day – Day #281
The beautiful Kat – if you ever need a hair and makeup artist give her a call as she’s super affordable and talented!
It’s no secret I love my iPhone. Like, really love it. I have never been a phone person and didn’t even own a cell phone until fairly recently but now I’m addicted. Lately I have had people asking about buying prints of pictures that I share on facebook even though these were only taken on […]
I’m in the process of sizing these photos for my blog but in the meantime just can’t stop myself from sharing at least one. I mean, you had me at bathtub portrait. How adorable are these two? More from their lovely wedding soon. Happy Friday!
So I know it sounds gross but sometimes I’m too lazy to wash my fruit….I think it comes from growing up in the country and picking berries right off the plants and just eating them. I was really really hungry the other day and grabbed some raspberries without washing them. While I was shoveling them […]
I’m so excited for these two to welcome the newest addition to their family and the date is coming up verrry soon. Here are a few of my favorites from their maternity session on Dallas Road. Stay tuned for baby pictures – with these genes I can’t fathom how cute this peanut is going to […]
Yes I know, it’s ANOTHER picture of cherry blossoms. To say I’m excited that it actually feels like spring outside is an understatement. I have missed the sun!!