A Photo A Day – Day #283
Mary & Sebastian’s Wedding last weekend on Saltspring was truly amazing. From the second I walked into the venue I felt like I was in a fairy tale. I won’t say much more until I blog the rest of the images but in the meantime here is a slideshow preview of a few moments from…
Val just may be one of the sweetest people I know. Why she talks to me, I have no idea. Kidding….kind of. I’m sweet in my own kind of sarcastic way. Her sweetness has definitely rubbed off on Kady – she’s such a doll! Here are a couple of my favorites from their Beacon Hill […]
My friend who you may remember from this portrait session is obsessed with Corgis. He used to have one as a kid and has loved them ever since. Unfortunately he is allergic to dogs so has to live with only a small plastic one. I went over for dinner the other night and things got […]
Happy Halloween!!!! The only thing reminding me that it’s Halloween is my sugar headache from eating about 6 mini chocolate bars before noon. I’m sure it was only like 100 calories because they are tiny, right? Here is what has been inspiring me on Pinterest this week (ps how the hell did I ever LIVE […]
18 months ago she came into the world with quite the dramatic entrance. Thirty something hours of labor, an ambulance ride and a near C section and she was (finally) here. All 9lbs of her. Little did I know that this dramatic entrance into the world was foreshadowing what was about to come. At a […]
Because I work for an awesome company, we got to go bowling last night at Langford Lanes. It was so much fun! I had my fair share of gutter balls but I also had a couple of strikes. No big deal. Real life bowling is sure a lot different than Wii bowling – that ball […]