A Photo A Day – Day #303
I had a photo shoot at Goldstream Park the other day – it’s amazingly beautiful there in the fall! The colours of the leaves are absolutely vibrant right now.
I had a photo shoot at Goldstream Park the other day – it’s amazingly beautiful there in the fall! The colours of the leaves are absolutely vibrant right now.
Yay for friends getting engaged! I photographed Anand and Sue’s wedding this past August and holy crap was it amazing. But before I can share any of those photos I need to blog their equally amazing engagement photos so here it goes! As a preamble, Anand and I have known each other for a long […]
I’m sure Karen & Randy’s first impression of me was less than, well, impressive. We had planned to meet up in the height of my wedding madness this summer. During early August any wedding photographer can relate to losing it a little. After working my other job all day I remember thinking to myself “I […]
This eagle started flying around the wedding ceremony site about 5 minutes before it started – it must be a good omen!
Happy Valentines Day! I have to say that I”m not really one of those girls that particularly likes Valentines Day. Sorry it’s just not my thing. Anyone that knows me knows I’m not sappy and I don’t believe in commercial holidays. That being said (Debbie Downer has left the room now), any day that has […]
What is it about weeping willows? There is something to gracious and beautiful about them and their magic just never seems to wear off no matter how many times I look at them.