A Photo A Day – Day #108
A sunset stroll at Ogden Point.
A sunset stroll at Ogden Point.
This photo reminds me of a dream. You know the ones – you never want to wake up because there is a sense of peace that you can never seem to achieve in your waking state. Sometimes I wonder if people that die in their sleep just get to keep on continuing on their dreams […]
Screw favorite things Friday! It’s all about “what inspires me Wednesday”. I’ve been majorly slacking on the blogging this year and it’s time to get back on it! Business has been great which means I have had no time to actually blog about well, anything really. I have about 15 photo shoots that I”ve yet […]
After much frustration, I thought that I had finally figured out how to share the slideshow I made for Crissy & Ray but maybe not so much. Originally I uploaded the video to Youtube and planned to copy the link to here but the sound won’t work! Even though I bought both songs from Itunes […]
Fall has always been my favorite season. It’s still sunny a lot of the time but the air becomes crisp and it’s always so refreshing outside. Not to mention the beautiful natural backdrop for photos. Most people start their resolutions in January but fall always feels like a new beginning for me. Summer is over […]