Preggo life // Real life pregnancy chronicles #5

32 weeks! I have to say that lately I’ve really enjoyed being pregnant for probably the first time in my pregnancy. I mean, I have loved bits of it like feeling the baby move but overall it hasn’t been my favorite. Right now (and I’m sure this is the calm before the storm), the worst of my back pain has subsided, my energy levels are decent on most days, I’m still sleeping pretty well and my bump is big enough that it’s very noticeable that I’m pregnant but not so big I feel uncomfortable.  My yoga is definitely keeping me grounded and feeling clear headed and I’ve been trying to eat as healthy as I can (I mean I had 3 cupcakes last weekend BUT I went to a wedding AND a gender reveal party).

The inevitable D day is coming up and FAST.  I’ve had a lot of people asking me lately if I’m anxious about giving birth.  On some level yes, and some days more than others.  Any woman that says no is either ignorant or in denial in my opinion.  I’ve been reading a lot of Ina May Gaskin’s books which focus on positive and natural birthing experiences. I refuse to watch any birthing TV shows or god forbid google anything about labor because it seems as though only the horror stories are shared.  I’ve had a number of people take it upon themselves to fill me in on their traumatic births – thanks ladies.  I’m just trying to block that out of my mind and go into my own experience positive and open minded to how things are going to unfold.  If you go into something with the idea it’s going to be terrible then it is.  I’m quite aware it’s not going to be a walk in the park but women do this every day. I’ve got this. Also by the time I’m due I know I’m going to be more than ready to get this little peanut out.

Oh and just yesterday I had my maternity photos taken!   I only have one to share so far because AS I KNOW, it does take some time to edit photos….  It’s the best having photographer friends (shout out to Chelsea Jean Photography – holla!).  I did this one by myself but we are having a family session done in November. I’m sure I will be LARGE AND IN CHARGE by then.  Also side note – its hard work being photographed pregnant. You have to really stick out your chin to avoid a double chin, take your arms away from your body (you do not want to have any part of you look any bigger than you actually are) move one foot in front of the other to give some curves to the right places while not falling and stick out your belly so accentuate that bump. Whew.  I’d rather be on the other side of the camera but of course it’s going to be so nice to have these photos in the future.

I have an ultrasound on Friday so I will share those pictures on my next pregnancy blog post! For now here is one of my maternity shoot – I can’t believe how round my belly looks! It’s like a basketball.


-Definitely feeling more organized – bought a cute dresser and have washed and folded all the baby’s clothes. She already has more clothes than me and she’s not even born yet!

-yoga, yoga and more YOGA. It feels so good to stretch out my pregnant body.

-getting “pregnancy spoiled” by my husband– rides to work, massages and small errands being run for me. Yes, I’m a delicate flower – that’s right, keep on spoiling me because I’M MAKING YOUR BABY.  It’s the least you could do, really.


-where is my WINE? I’ve been missing it something fierce these days

-so, so much laundry to do. Baby clothes galore. I can’t imagine how this is going to increase once she is actually born! I’m counting down until we move and have laundry in our house!

-working! Who made up the concept of money anyways? I’m going to kick their ass. I would rather be home watching Netflix on the couch. Isn’t pregnancy work enough?

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