A Photo A Day – Day #133
The ghost of a boy.
The ghost of a boy.
Because who doesn’t like a little bit of sexy on their Friday? Keep your eyes out on the blog for more from this boudoir session next week 🙂 Hope everyone has a great weekend.
What do you get when you combine a gorgeous (and SO SUPER NICE) couple, their ridiculously adorable daughter and a super fun wedding party? An AMAZING WEDDING DAY. You guyssssss…..this day was FUN. I truly think everyone had a blast and I know for sure I did. Derek & Adriane were surrounded by their support […]
These two! They are everything together. Sweet and loving, fun and playful. I find them so easy to photograph (if you missed their engagement session you can see it here) because their chemistry is spot on. Their wedding day was nothing short of stunning. Vanessa got ready with her girls at the ever stunning Villa […]
There is nothing like fresh seafood. I mean, as long as I don’t have to rip their heads off (this is what boyfriends are for). Actually we played a game of crib and the loser had to de-head these prawns – thank god I’m good at crib.
Originally I was scheduled to work 3 hours at Lauren & Andrew’s wedding. After I delivered their engagement photos (which you can see here), they decided to book me for a full 8 hour day. WOOHOOO! It was the ultimate compliment.