A Photo A Day – Day #171
I thought it only fitting to take a picture of something Canadian on July 1st. Happy Canada day everyone!
I would do a “favorite things Friday” but to be honest I”m kind of exhausted and cranky today so finding favorite things may be hard. Instead let’s go for a little dry humour! Ok maybe I lied, here is one that could be filed under favorite things. Yum. Oh and Steve Carell. Freaking love […]
Welcome to the inside of my brain. Sometimes it gets a little weird in here……
Sometimes it is the littlest things that impact us in the strangest of ways. Be it a chance encounter, a glance across a crowded room, the sounds of a first hello or the way your body seems shaped and created, molded to fit into their arms. It’s not the screams in this life […]
I had every intention of doing a Christmas blog but unfortunately – and by that I mean VERY FORTUNATELY- I got a new Macbook Pro laptop from my significant other and was busy setting up my new computer. I’m still trying to figure out what exactly I did to deserve such an amazing gift! Talk […]