A Photo A Day – Day #195
I always think that these cruise ships look so monstrous and out of place in our quaint little city…..
I always think that these cruise ships look so monstrous and out of place in our quaint little city…..
I am literally OBSESSED with my new macro lens. Love it, love it, love it!
Oh Vegas how I love thee. I’ve been craving another visit to Sin City ever since I recovered from my unbelievable hangover from my girls’ trip a little over a year ago. I didn’t know it was actually possible to be hung over for longer than you drank for (3 nights of drinking = […]
I couldn’t count the number of times that I have felt like a hot mess if I tried. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing with my life, I feel stuck, I’m not fashionable enough, I don’t have enough money, I’m getting wrinkles, I don’t work out enough, I don’t have enough […]
I’ve been struggling with writing some more personal posts this year – it’s so hard for me! It’s not that I don’t have anything to write about, I think it’s just that because I’m spending all my time actually preparing blog posts of my photography that my personal blog posts get pushed off for another […]