A Photo A Day – Day #197
I have always loved weeping willows – there is just something about them that is so dreamy and romantic. I wanted this photo to look like a painting:
I have always loved weeping willows – there is just something about them that is so dreamy and romantic. I wanted this photo to look like a painting:
My friend who you may remember from this portrait session is obsessed with Corgis. He used to have one as a kid and has loved them ever since. Unfortunately he is allergic to dogs so has to live with only a small plastic one. I went over for dinner the other night and things got […]
The truth that no one wants to hear.
30 weeks people! I can’t believe that I’m here already. 10 weeks to go? Crazy town. I really have a feeling this little girl is coming early. I don’t know why but I just do. I’ve been feeling pretty good still (except for some small bouts of pure exhaustion) although I’ve been experiencing a bit […]
I would do a “favorite things Friday” but to be honest I”m kind of exhausted and cranky today so finding favorite things may be hard. Instead let’s go for a little dry humour! Ok maybe I lied, here is one that could be filed under favorite things. Yum. Oh and Steve Carell. Freaking love […]
I get so excited when I edit photos that I just can’t help myself but share a few along the way. Here is one from my after wedding session up in Duncan last week. I can hardly wait to share the rest 🙂
Urban Vancouver!