A Photo A Day – Day #202
In my household we have the best time ever making “ghost pictures”. Call us geeks but it never gets old. Here is one from Friday night – wooo!
In my household we have the best time ever making “ghost pictures”. Call us geeks but it never gets old. Here is one from Friday night – wooo!
I just realized I haven’t even blogged this kick ass couple’s session and they are getting married in about a month! Yep, it’s confirmed. I suck at blogging. Lindsay and James are that couple that you can tell are the best of friends. Two peas in a pod. When they told me about their plan […]
One of my New Years resolutions was to blog about more personal things this year. Admittedly I’ve been doing a TERRIBLE job. I think I’ve maybe posted one or two personal blogs the whole year (wrist slap!). It’s not my fault that there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Working two jobs plus maintaining […]
I have been dying to do some night photography but our weather has been terrible! Somehow I lucked out tonight and it stopped raining for long enough for me to venture outside. I’m sure I looked like a crazy lady standing in the middle of the street and taking pictures of abandoned furniture/stalking my neighbors. […]
I’m in the process of sizing these photos for my blog but in the meantime just can’t stop myself from sharing at least one. I mean, you had me at bathtub portrait. How adorable are these two? More from their lovely wedding soon. Happy Friday!