The Home Stretch! // Real life pregnancy chronicles #6

34 weeks. Holy crap! Time is flying. It’s been a busy two weeks since my last blog. Firstly, check out my Halloween costume:

I also had a trick or treating pumpkin that hooked onto the hands but it didn’t stay on that well so I could only use it when I was sitting. My husband was so embarrassed when I told him I was going to wear it to our Ultrasound at the hospital. It was so funny how much attention I got! I had nurses asking to take pictures of me, lots of laughs and some stares. Everything went so great at the ultrasound which was a big relief.  My placenta has moved up so no scheduled C section for me (well, hopefully)!  Baby is doing great and measuring almost 5lbs and is right on target as to where she is supposed to be growth wise, my fluid levels are normal and her heart beat is super strong.  Even though we didn’t get any more pictures the technician was really great and made sure to let us see her face as much as possible since she had her hands and her feet partially in front of her face.  I may be biased but man is she a cute little peanut! I could see her big lips and button nose.  She was also looking around quite a bit and we got to see her eyes move. It still blows my mind that a little functioning human is in there kicking me as we speak.

We started our baby class through VIDA which is called 60/40. 60% of the class is preparing you and your partner for child birth and the other 40% is baby care.  It was a super intimate class as it’s just us and one other couple taking the class. This suits me well as I don’t like talking in front of a whole group of people. As my husband said “it’s easier to talk to two people instead of 20 about my wife’s cervix”. Touche.  I feel like we learned a lot in the first class and feel a bit more prepared in knowing what to expect in the different stages of labor. Sh*t is definitely getting real now!  I’m still feeling good – no complaints except for the occasional day when my back and ribs are killing me!  Sitting in an office chair all day is doing my no favours. I ordered a birthing ball so I’m going to try to use that as a chair when it comes in. Along with hopefully helping my back it’s supposed to get the baby in the correct position for labor. I will probably fall off it at work and humiliate myself. Meh.

Oh ALSO…I received my edited maternity photos and am in LOVE!  Chelsea did such an amazing job – I’m so, so happy with them.  We have already made a nice coffee table book and got a nice big canvas printed.  Print your photos people!  It’s just so much better than having them sit on a hard drive somewhere (this is the photographer in me talking).

We have our baby shower and family photo shoot this weekend so I will have more pics to share next post but for now here are a few faves from my maternity session with Chelsea Jean Photography:


-finding out that my placenta moved up and I should be able to give birth naturally!

-the baby is more and more entertaining each day – I swear she puts on a show for us. As soon as I put my hand on my stomach she goes all crazy. She really is feisty

-dressing the bump for Halloween – so much fun!

-realizing this is the home stretch – only 6 weeks left!!!


-the time has come – I’m having a hard time putting my own socks on!

-eating about 3,178 lbs of Halloween candy

-back & rib pain – hurts like a mo fo


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