A Photo A Day – Day #258
My awesome friend Rachel is having twin girls!! I’m so excited for her and was just as thrilled to do some maternity pictures with her and her partner. She’s so cute, I can’t even handle it. Congrats you two 🙂
My awesome friend Rachel is having twin girls!! I’m so excited for her and was just as thrilled to do some maternity pictures with her and her partner. She’s so cute, I can’t even handle it. Congrats you two 🙂
This is possible the most unique engagement session I’ve ever photographed! These ladies came up with the idea all on their own. They did not want a traditional engagement session and this is anything but. They set up a big canvas in their back yard, got some paint and went to town. SO.MUCH.FUN. If you…
One of my best friends got married on Saturday. You know those friends that you don’t really hang out with for years but when you meet up again it’s like nothing has ever changed? Yep, he’s one of those. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and it was almost surreal to see him getting married. It […]
Because I work for an awesome company, we got to go bowling last night at Langford Lanes. It was so much fun! I had my fair share of gutter balls but I also had a couple of strikes. No big deal. Real life bowling is sure a lot different than Wii bowling – that ball […]
So what’s new with me?? Welll…..ummmm I HAVE A NEW WEBSITE!! What what??!! Can you tell I’m excited? After following along with all of the other reStarters from Jasmine Star’s creative live course, I was completely inspired to update my website. After all I haven’t really done anything with it since I started in 2010! […]
We had a pumpkin carving night on Saturday. It was good times but seriously why do I suck so much? Mine is the pathetic one on the middle…sigh.