My new website!!

So what’s new with me?? Welll…..ummmm I HAVE A NEW WEBSITE!! What what??!! Can you tell I’m excited? After following along with all of the other reStarters from Jasmine Star’s creative live course, I was completely inspired to update my website. After all I haven’t really done anything with it since I started in 2010!  Now I have to say that I pretty much had nothing to do with the technical side of making this site happen – I owe it all to my amazing partner in crime. I’m not a very tech savy person when it comes to web stuff and he is so generous that he basically did this whole thing himself. I guess he’s a keeper J  Let’s just say I was the creative mind in this twosome. After pouring over templates for a month or so I finally decided on something simple yet modern. For any photogs out there that are curious about what I’m using – it’s called the Ishimoto template from Squarespace. You can see some other examples of their templates here: I feel that even though I’m using the same pictures my website comes across as much more professional.  I’m not quite finished yet and have a few tweaks to make but done is better than perfect right??!!  Its crazy what a confidence boost a new look can give you. I feel like I’m on cloud 9 right now and am totally inspired to get out there and shoot to add some more pictures to my portfolio.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, feedback and critiques on the new site. What do you think?? Have you had experience in updating your website lately? I’d love to hear all about it. Thanks for reading!

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