The Winter Family’s Mini Session

Never have I ever met a family with kids as sweet, adorable and well behaved as this one.  As any photographer (or mother, father, pretty much anyone with a camera) can attest to, it’s usually not easy to get a good picture of a 2 year old nor is it easy to get them to do anything you want them to do.  Little Neveah blew apart any stereotypes that exist about the “terrible two’s” because she was such an angel.   She would do anything – pose, smile, hang out with her sister while her parents were getting photos, anything!  And Emma, the older daughter was just as angelic looking after her sister when need be and doing anything that was asked of her.  What a testament to these two parents – they must have a household full of love and patience. My time with this family flew by and I hope that we get a chance to do more photos together in the future because it really was a pleasure. Thanks for letting me document your amazing family. 

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