2014 hopes, dreams, goals, wishes.

Since reading many of my well frequented blogs and seeing inspiring goals that others have for the year ahead, I decided it was time to write down my own. I know some people think it’s cliche to post New Years resolution posts or blogs of that nature but I don’t care. I think it’s important to have tangible goals for the year ahead and it gives you hope that your life can be better or at least a bit more of what you want it to be.  I’m a huge believer in putting things out to the Universe. If you put it out there and want it badly enough, you can make it happen (with a little, or a lot of hard work of course).

So, internet, I am putting it out there. This blog post will hopefully hold me accountable for my actions in 2014.

I have so many goals for this coming year that I actually had to narrow it down. Shoot for the moon and if you miss land among the starts, right?

In 2014 I will:

-figure out how to use Google+ and actually use it! I’ve been procrastinating on this one for a while

-get over 1,000 facebook page fan “likes”

-take a photography workshop (I’ve already signed up for one in June – yay me!)

-network with other wedding professionals in the industry and make new connections and friends

-master off camera flash

-buy a desktop computer (right now I only have a laptop)

-buy a 2nd camera body (I rent one right now every time I have a photo shoot)

-get published on Green Wedding Shoes

-second shoot a wedding. I have never done this! I’ve only ever been a 1st shooter but I think it would challenge me and I’m up for it.

-write more personal blog posts. I have a hard time opening up to anyone let alone the internet so this one is going to be a challenge but I know it’s important

-blog consistently 1-2 times per week

-put more of “me” into my business. I think I am closer than ever to finding out who I want to be creatively as a photographer and now it’s time to brand my business to attract like minded clients

And now for a few personal goals:

-go to Vegas with my husband (he has never been)

-get professional photos done. Its embarrassing to admit but our family photos are 3+ years old 🙁

-book a boudoir session for myself. This is wayyyy out of my comfort zone – eeek!

-I want to actually see my abs – I know they are under there somewhere! I think I saw them last when I was 16…

-spend less time in front of screens. Computer screens, TV screens, phone screens. Too many screens. I need to go outside more.

Well I think that’s it!  It’s a long list but I’m up for the challenge. If you have any goals or aspirations this year I would love to hear them!

Here’s to a wicked year ahead.

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