Surprise Proposal at Anderson Hill Park // Chris + Sarah

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if it was socially acceptable to eat cake with our hands? Little Alayna (who you may remember from her mini session here) recently turned 1 and I got to photograph her getting down and dirty in her birthday cake. She had never had sugar before her 1st birthday […]
Anyone that knows me knows that I am in love with tattoos. And anyone that has a tattoo knows how addictive they are. Seriously!! What’s up with that? (Insert SNL skit here – please tell me someone knows what I’m talking about). It’s like Lays potato chips – I dare you to just get one. […]
My adorable niece Ava had her 2nd birthday party was today. I have decided she may just be one of the cutest girls in the world. The fact that she was born two years ago blows my mind. I know people say this all the time but it literally seems like just a couple months […]
Because it’s officially the off season for me, I’m excited to start doing some more personal projects. Getting back to shooting creatively is something I have wanted to do for a while but just haven’t had the time. Chelsea from Chelsea Jean Photography and I have decided to have a “creativity challenge” where we pick […]
We had a pumpkin carving night on Saturday. It was good times but seriously why do I suck so much? Mine is the pathetic one on the middle…sigh.