A Photo A Day – Day #285
Kissing swans.
Kissing swans.
Mary & Sebastian’s Wedding last weekend on Saltspring was truly amazing. From the second I walked into the venue I felt like I was in a fairy tale. I won’t say much more until I blog the rest of the images but in the meantime here is a slideshow preview of a few moments from…
I should do an official count but I do believe the DeGroot’s are my most blogged family!! I’ve had a blast photographing them over the years and watching their family grow. If you want to check out their other blog posts you can see the one from 2017 here, their portrait session from 2015 here ,…
Puppy love!
Happy Halloween!!!! The only thing reminding me that it’s Halloween is my sugar headache from eating about 6 mini chocolate bars before noon. I’m sure it was only like 100 calories because they are tiny, right? Here is what has been inspiring me on Pinterest this week (ps how the hell did I ever LIVE […]
We had a pumpkin carving night on Saturday. It was good times but seriously why do I suck so much? Mine is the pathetic one on the middle…sigh.