A Photo A Day – Day #329
My trademark.
My trademark.
Where do I begin with this wedding, these two? Well first of all our first time “meeting” via Skype (they live in Alberta and me in BC) was a flop. Their camera wasn’t working properly so it was an awkward 20 minutes of me staring at myself on the computer and not being able to […]
34 weeks. Holy crap! Time is flying. It’s been a busy two weeks since my last blog. Firstly, check out my Halloween costume: I also had a trick or treating pumpkin that hooked onto the hands but it didn’t stay on that well so I could only use it when I was sitting. My husband was […]
It’s been a hot minute since this Metchosin Engagement session! I work with Leah at my “other job” and when she asked me to come to her parent’s beautiful Metchosin property it was a HELL YES. Her parents liveson the most beautiful piece of property right on the ocean. The backdrop could not be more…
When I first started my photography business Sheena was pregnant with Max and she was my first ever client. In fact, that session was my first blog post. Since then so much has happened as is life. Throughout it all though we have stayed friends and I’m so grateful for it. Max has grown up […]
2012 was amazing. I gained lots of experience, met amazing new clients and even got to travel to Mexico to shoot my first destination wedding! I know it’s almost March but I love a good “best of” blog. These are some of my favorite wedding shots from last year – happy hump day!
This blog is only a month late (yikes!), but I have been so slammed lately, I haven’t had much time to write. We had my niece Ava for four days over Easter holidays and as tiring as it was, it was also a blast. We took the kids swimming, went to the petting zoo, the […]