A Photo A Day – Day #355
After much frustration, I thought that I had finally figured out how to share the slideshow I made for Crissy & Ray but maybe not so much. Originally I uploaded the video to Youtube and planned to copy the link to here but the sound won’t work! Even though I bought both songs from Itunes […]
2013 you have been good to me. I got married to someone pretty awesome, saw family I rarely get to see more often than other years, killed it in Vegas for my 30th birthday, ATTENDED a good friend’s wedding and was reunited with old friends, took pictures of both new and old clients and their […]
This year is the first year that I decided to take on graduation portraits and I have to say I really enjoyed them. They are low key like a portrait session but yet the ladies are all dressed up for grad – it’s kind of the best of both worlds. I met Melissa and her mom, […]
Since I’m slightly behind on my blogging (and by slightly I mean it’s been a YEAR SINCE I’VE BLOGGED!), I feel like I may be sharing things a little backwards here. Kyla and Tom were married last year in an intimate ceremony at her parent’s house. But because I am unable to get my sh*t…
Sometimes I feel like I’m writing the same blog over and over again for each wedding. How amazing my clients are, how their families treat me like family and how lucky I am to have shot their wedding. It starts to sound disingenuous. The problem is I DO feel this way about all of my […]
I was really hoping I wouldn’t get to write this blog post. But here I am – 40 weeks. Full term. Fed up with being pregnant. I envisioned the last week of my pregnancy as a time of reflection and nostalgically writing in my baby book about how excited we are to have her here […]