A Photo A Day – Day #79
My boyfriend lost his finger in an unfortunate car-door-slamming fiasco when he was 11. And thus “Nubby” was born!!! It has always kind of creeped me out but I’m coming to terms with it slowly ….I think.
I was feeling less than inspired tonight after a case of the Mondays so I was having a hard time thinking of what to photograph. There are the most annoying birds outside my condo pretty much all the time so I thought it would be cool to get a picture of one in flight. Of […]
Where do I begin with this wedding, these two? Well first of all our first time “meeting” via Skype (they live in Alberta and me in BC) was a flop. Their camera wasn’t working properly so it was an awkward 20 minutes of me staring at myself on the computer and not being able to […]
Well, well. Look at me go. Two personal blog posts in a month – killing it! If you missed my first installment of “love this stuff” you can check it out here. Here is some more blog worthy stuff that I’m lovin these days. 1. Ben Howard. I’ve been waiting with baited breath for […]
Here is a little teaser from my engagement shoot with Kerry & Craig (oh and Basil) from Saturday. We had such a blast and I can’t wait to share more!