A Photo A Day – Day #79
I would do a “favorite things Friday” but to be honest I”m kind of exhausted and cranky today so finding favorite things may be hard. Instead let’s go for a little dry humour! Ok maybe I lied, here is one that could be filed under favorite things. Yum. Oh and Steve Carell. Freaking love […]
Tamika contacted me a couple of weeks ago to inquire about photo options. Her and her boyfriend Shay were going to be visiting Victoria all the way from Texas and she was pretty sure that he was going to propose to her so she wanted to have some photos done to celebrate and document their […]
This is the first picture of my year long challenge so I wanted it to be interesting and set the tone for the rest of the year. Yes I know it’s an only an egg but it’s egg art damnit! It represents my dedication to my health for 2012. And yes it’s a free range […]
Well I guess it must be the off season since I’m over here leisurely thinking of helpful blog posts I can write to all you folks out there. I often have couples asking me for location suggestions for engagement photos. First and foremost I always recommend they choose someplace that is special to them whether […]
I have more respect and admiration for my clients than they will ever know. Trusting a complete stranger to take very personal photographs takes courage and strength. And on top of that to be comfortable in front of the camera? It’s just not something I have ever been able to do and I”ve always admired […]
I have been chosen as a finalist to win a trip for two up to Photographer at Painters this year! I have been wanting to go for the last couple years but haven’t been able to make it work. I need your help! All you have to do is go to http://on.fb.me/GVkgWN and “like” my picture!. . […]