A Photo A Day – Day #182
A girl in the shadows…
A girl in the shadows…
Well I guess it must be the off season since I’m over here leisurely thinking of helpful blog posts I can write to all you folks out there. I often have couples asking me for location suggestions for engagement photos. First and foremost I always recommend they choose someplace that is special to them whether […]
You may remember Lexi from here but she sure looks a lot different now…she’s all grown up! She is the cutest dog ever and super cuddly – love her to death!
Who is excited for the weekend????!!! The forecast is sunshine for the weekend and me and my hubby have the whole weekend to ourselves kid free! Not that we are doing anything exciting but it’s still nice to have a little adult time once in a while. We have this “golden rule” that if we […]
Monday…..drag-your-ass-reluctantly-to-work day?? Why do the weekends feel non-existant? Grumble grumble. Mondays are tough for everyone so I really wanted to get my picture a day over with this morning so it wasn’t on my mind all day. As soon as I got out of the shower – bam! My mosaic mirror in my bathroom was […]
Kissing swans.
It’s been two whole weeks since I started this crazy picture a day thing. What ever made me think I could stick with this for 52 weeks??!!! Just kidding. Kind of….. I took this picture literally 5 minutes before it started snowing and now it’s a crazy blizzard out there. Our first snow fall of […]