Road Trip!

Being as yesterday was a holiday for Remembrance Day, my friend’s husband had a genius idea to explore our Island and go on an all day road trip/adventure.  We had a jam packed schedule from seeing Historic landmarks in Sooke to stopping at Point No Point (holy delicious food!) for lunch to finding massive trees to hug(one is so big it takes 15 people to form a human chain around it!). We left at 10:30 am sharp and headed on the road, cooler stocked and Baileys outweighing the coffee in our Tim Horton’s cups.  It was raining which was kind of a downer because I didn’t get as many pictures as I would have liked but I was assured this was all part of the “West Coast experience”.   We ended up having such a blast just driving, listening to music and enjoying the scenery.  Our day ended at the Casino in Duncan and we all won $100 each within 5 minutes of being there!   Just doing something that we wouldn’t normally do and getting out of the city was a nice break from the day to day monotony; we should have holidays mid- week more often.  And two Fridays in three days – wicked!   Here is the route we went on:


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