Tim & Julie

My mom asked me to take some pictures for her friends Tim & Julie while I was in town for the holidays – they are expecting their first child in February. After feeling like a total jerk for making a pregnant woman iron a sheet for our backdrop about a thousand times (I can relate […]

Bella Coola

I haven’t been back home to Bella Coola for almost 3 years now so I decided to make an appearance after Christmas to visit my family. Every time I come back here there is major culture shock to get over for the first couple of days. It’s really weird and hard to explain but its […]

A Late Merry Christmas….

I had every intention of doing a Christmas blog but unfortunately – and by that I mean VERY FORTUNATELY- I got a new Macbook Pro laptop from my significant other and was busy setting up my new computer.  I’m still trying to figure out what exactly I did to deserve such an amazing gift!  Talk […]

Birthday No. 3

Guess what? Another birthday!!  A certain boy I know very well turns 7 this week but we threw a party for him last Sunday.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about parties…but….I did have to dig deep for this one.  First of all I had a bad cold and was not feeling hot. Secondly, it […]

Another Cute Girl’s Birthday

Apparently this family likes to get busy in the spring.  All three siblings have a child born in either November or December.  On one hand it’s kind of nice to see everyone so often during the holiday months but by the time January rolls around, I predict everyone will be pretty spent. Financially, emotionally, and […]

From Belly to Baby – Baby Max

After shooting Sheena’s maternity pictures this fall I have been excited to take some pictures of cute little Max and finally got the chance yesterday.  I was a little nervous about the shoot because we had to do it in my house so I didn’t have much to work with.  It was a rainy, grey […]

I Guess It’s That Time Again….

I’m a bit of a self admitted Grinch when it comes to Christmas BUT I’m starting to come around. I think.  I still cringe when I hear Christmas music but I have come a long way from a couple of years ago when the only decorations in my house were a plant adorned with one […]

Ava Turns 2!

My adorable niece Ava had her 2nd birthday party was today.  I have decided she may just be one of the cutest girls in the world.  The fact that she was born two years ago blows my mind. I know people say this all the time but it literally seems like just a couple months […]

Road Trip!

Being as yesterday was a holiday for Remembrance Day, my friend’s husband had a genius idea to explore our Island and go on an all day road trip/adventure.  We had a jam packed schedule from seeing Historic landmarks in Sooke to stopping at Point No Point (holy delicious food!) for lunch to finding massive trees […]

Montreal Memories

It’s been a while since I was in Montreal but am finally just getting around to blogging about it.  What an amazing city!  It wasn’t my first time there but the last time I was there was only for a few days and it’s safe to say my eyes rarely saw the daylight hours.  This […]